The Baha'i Community in Silver Spring, Maryland

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The Baha'i Community in Silver Spring, Maryland

Religion Renewed: Transforming neighborhoods through spiritual community

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Transform your community, transform your spirit!


Silver Spring, MD

The Baha'is in Silver Spring are committed to transforming not only ourselves but our neighborhoods and communities through the power of spirituality.  To an extent unimaginable a decade ago, the ideal of world peace is taking on form and substance. Obstacles that long seemed immovable have collapsed in humanity's path; apparently irreconcilable conflicts have begun to surrender to processes of consultation and resolution; a willingness to counter military aggression through unified international action is emerging. The effect has been to awaken in both the masses of humanity and many world leaders a degree of hopefulness about the future of our planet that had been nearly extinguished.

This social change starts with spirituality in our neighborhood, transforming the rythms of our daily life.  The Silver Spring Baha'is are looking for opportunities across the area to form new Devotional meetings in homes or wherever people gather.  Let's start the journey of transformation together!

If devotions from the Holy Writings speaks to your heart, don't wait - engage today!

Photo of the Silver Spring Metro at sunset courtesy of


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