The Baha'i Community in Silver Spring, Maryland

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The Baha'i Community in Silver Spring, Maryland

Religion Renewed: Transforming neighborhoods through spiritual community

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Learning Communities - a Way of Life


Silver Spring, MD

The Baha'is in Silver Spring are seeking others in our area who want to join in life-long spiritual learning.

The evolution or development of the soul and its capacities is the basic purpose of human existence. This evolution is towards God and its motive force is knowledge of God and love for Him. As we learn about God, our love for Him increases; and this, in turn, enables us to attain a closer communion with our Creator. Also, as we draw closer to God, our character becomes more refined and our actions reflect more and more the attributes and qualities of God.

Bahá’u’lláh taught that this potential to reflect the attributes of God is the soul’s essential reality. It is the meaning of human beings being created “in the image of God.” The divine qualities are not external to the soul. They are latent within it, just as the color, the fragrance, and the vitality of a flower are latent within the seed. They need only to be developed.

Engage the Silver Spring Baha'is to express your interest in Study Circles!

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